LightWave 3D Magazines

Print Design, Magazines

280 modern pages’ magazines designed for the LightWave 3D Group, an American 3D computer graphics software company. 3 Modern Magazines, 280 pages in total, 20 designed ads, stories, interviews and tutorials such as The Walking Dead, Sharknado, Defiance, Iron Sky and more!

  • Web design - LightWave 3D Landing Pages
  • Web design - LightWave 3D Anime Landing Pages
  • Web design - LightWave 3D Landing Pages
  • Web design - LightWave 3D Landing Pages
  • Web design - LightWave 3D Landing Pages
Web design - LightWave 3D Anime Landing Pages

From 2012 up to 2018, I’ve been designing the LightWave 3D Group Magazines: over 280 pages created, 20 advertisings designed, stories, tutorials, and interviews such as The Walking Dead, Sharknado, Defiance, Iron Sky and more. The first issue was printed and distributed for free during the annual conference on computer graphics SIGGRAPH 2012 in Los Angeles. The following issues were released during the SIGGRAPH Week 2013 and 2014. Digital magazine versions are available on the digital publishing platform Issuu as well as on the LightWave 3D Group website.

All images are the property of their respective owners.


LightWave 3D Group


Magazine, Print Design

Digital Magazine Issues